Behind the Bench Podcast

Episode 3 - Guest Chris Mullins "Wondering why you're only getting 50%, 30% or 10% less of conversions? Take a look at your intake process and team"

Josh Konigsberg Season 1 Episode 3

In the third episode of Behind the Bench Podcast for Lawyers, Josh Konigsberg interviews Preeminent Legal Sales & Communications Consultant & Podcast Host Chris Mullins.

Mullins is a thought leader in the legal world of intake and attorneys, a preeminent sales and communications consultant, founder of the Intake Academy, and author of the book Law Firm Conversions: Great Marketing Is Not Enough When Your Prospects Don't Convert!  Mullins shares her best practices for attorneys in terms of converting qualified leads, strategies for increasing conversions, and the right kind of mindset for success. You won't want to miss this episode.